از وب سايت جديد شركت به آدرس www.parsianazteb.ir دیدن فرمایید
در صورت مشاهده اختلال در خطوط ثابت شريت لطفا با شماره ۰۹۱۹۶۲۲۰۲۵۶تماس حاصل فرمایید
Creating new products HTL always focuses on ergonomics, accuracy and precision. The single channel DISCOVERY PRO pipette series is uniquely dedicated to the three key features. The contoured shape of the handle and finger-hook guarantee correct grip reducing wrist strain and fatigue. The tip ejection force is reduced by more than 30% thanks to the unique pushbutton-lever system. In addition to the outstanding comfort, the DISCOVERY PRO pipette offers quick and easy volume setting even when used with gloves