از وب سايت جديد شركت به آدرس www.parsianazteb.ir دیدن فرمایید
در صورت مشاهده اختلال در خطوط ثابت شريت لطفا با شماره ۰۹۱۹۶۲۲۰۲۵۶تماس حاصل فرمایید
DISCOVERY COMFORT pipettes combine the highest level of accuracy and precision with traditional design to make the pipetting experience comfortable and safe. The pipettes are available in single and multichannel version. DISCOVERY Comfort multichannels feature a revolutionary suspension system which allows the shafts to retract slightly when they are pressed against a row of pipette tips. Each shaft moves independently, resulting in an even sealing force being applied to all 8 or 12 tips. This ensures that all tips secured on their individual shaft with the minimum of effort - and never fall off!